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  • Table 'nyeri_online.jos_jea_properties' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT tp.id AS `id`, tp.ref AS `ref`, tp.title AS `title`, tp.alias AS `alias`, tp.type_id AS `type_id`, tp.is_renting AS `is_renting`, tp.price AS `price`, tp.adress AS `adress`, tp.town_id AS `town_id`, tp.area_id AS `area_id`, tp.zip_code AS `zip_code`, tp.department_id AS `department_id`, tp.condition_id AS `condition_id`, tp.living_space AS `living_space`, tp.land_space AS `land_space`, tp.rooms AS `rooms`, tp.charges AS `charges`, tp.fees AS `fees`, tp.hot_water_type AS `hot_water_type`, tp.heating_type AS `heating_type`, tp.bathrooms AS `bathrooms`, tp.toilets AS `toilets`, tp.availability AS `availability`, tp.floor AS `floor`, tp.advantages AS `advantages`, tp.description AS `description`, tp.slogan_id AS `slogan_id`, tp.published AS `published`, tp.ordering AS `ordering`, tp.emphasis AS `emphasis`, tp.date_insert AS `date_insert`, tp.checked_out AS `checked_out`, tp.checked_out_time AS `checked_out_time`, tp.created_by AS `created_by`, tp.hits AS `hits`, td.value AS `department`, tc.value AS `condition`, ta.value AS `area`, ts.value AS `slogan`, tt.value AS `type`, tto.value AS `town`, thwt.value AS `hot_water`, tht.value AS `heating`, td.id AS `id2`, tc.id AS `id3`, ta.id AS `id4`, ts.id AS `id5`, tt.id AS `id6`, tto.id AS `id7`, thwt.id AS `id8`, tht.id AS `id9`,CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(tp.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(":", tp.id, tp.alias) ELSE tp.id END AS slug FROM jos_jea_properties AS tp LEFT JOIN jos_jea_departments AS td ON td.id = tp.department_id LEFT JOIN jos_jea_conditions AS tc ON tc.id = tp.condition_id LEFT JOIN jos_jea_areas AS ta ON ta.id = tp.area_id LEFT JOIN jos_jea_slogans AS ts ON ts.id = tp.slogan_id LEFT JOIN jos_jea_types AS tt ON tt.id = tp.type_id LEFT JOIN jos_jea_towns AS tto ON tto.id = tp.town_id LEFT JOIN jos_jea_hotwatertypes AS thwt ON thwt.id = tp.hot_water_type LEFT JOIN jos_jea_heatingtypes AS tht ON tht.id = tp.heating_type WHERE published=1 AND tp.is_renting=1 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 0, 10





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