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kanju3Nyeri town which was once regarded as the greenest and the cleanest town is slowly turning into a garbage town. This is as a result of the failure of the Nyeri municipal council to collect garbage or doing a slapdash job just to be seen as doing something.

The town which has most of its drainage systems clogged with refuse begs the question who is sleeping on the job at the Nyeri municipal council. A company that used to clean the drainage systems has since vanished in thin air.

kanju4The Municipal council on its side seems un aware or just ignorant of the imminent problem which if continues un abated might lead to other un foreseen problems. Due to dirty parking bays, tension is slowly building among vehicles owners who are vowing not to park fees until something is done. Residents of Nyeri business fraternity have said that they will join hand en boycott paying any levies until the Nyeri municipal council puts its act together.

In the past Nyeri town had manicured flowers  gardens along the roads, Whispers and  Sungura parks when the said were under some organization, but ever since the same has recede back to the municipal council then the splendor has weathered with time.

For now only time will tell for it’s a matter of wait and see what the council will do and whether it heed to the cries of the residents of Nyeri town.

By Richard Macharia


0 #4 2011-03-11 13:04
Cannot believe this is what has become of my hometown :(. Just light a match and burn it all. That is a shame :(.
+1 #3 2011-03-11 07:06
very sad but true.
if only action can be taken.
+1 #2 2011-03-11 06:53
Its so sad to see a town that was once green and clean turn into a garbage town.The council needs to step up
+1 #1 2011-03-11 06:19
It is sorry to see our beautiful town in such a deplorable state, all the council seems to be doing is cooking up revenue collection schemes like clamping cars senselessly, harassing traders in total disregard of the law, imposing charges and rates where they do not render services. It is time Nyerians demanded for tangible results from the council...

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