Feb 10, 2014 admin LordGichohi V'ce 2
Yes, call me crazy we need to be colonized again! Yes I mean each and, every single word! When did we all become all so fat and so happy to the extent we are all contented with life! Where did the African spirit go? I fear if Marcus Garvey, Deadan KImathi, Jomo Kenyatta woke up today they would whip us silly! We are numb, dumb and to some extent a blind society! We no longer question things, we no longer want to know about anything around us, we no longer give a damn about the presidential speech; we don’t give a damn about what those buffoons in parliament pass apart from hiking fuel because we are all driving cars!!!!Have we become that selfish and satisfied like Garfield, Am not plump but it seems everyone including me wants to grow fat like a cat and sleep off satisfaction in my tiny comfort zone. Where are the days when a family would sit down and listen to the news at 7 and at 9pm,where is the family that would analyze the news together at a round table and enjoy their meal…oh I know it’s on Whatsapp,twitter,facebook and instragram!Damn it! People get off your phones and start living, meet real people, read a book, read my blog, read a newspaper and get a grasp of what is happening around you!
Why we need to be colonized is because, one, we have lost our great thinkers, no one listens to them the great thinkers are people talking about sex, how to lose weight …TV creativity has been turned to anyone who can cause a hullabaloo on what is called reality tv! Colonizers made us think, made us read a lot, made us remember our cultural values but now everybody wants to twang or pretend to not even understand Swahili?? I fear the future moms will only know how to twerk, bendover, wine and kotch…cleaning and cooking will be fairy tales, chapattis will be in museums to sample how sweet food was before wannabes invaded our country. Colonizers made us question even belief but how many people these days will even think why Africans are notorious believers, okay let me explain we are notorious believers because we knew God even before the Europeans came …how many people today even care to compare and ask why our forefathers and ancestors believed in their customs and kept traditions, what is the difference with Christianity and culture.
We need to be colonized again to regain liberal thinkers, brave men and women, revolutionaries and kick off these bootlickers and paid goons only after donor money. It is funny how everybody concentrates on what Denis Itumbi and Boniface is saying in their TV interviews which I must say are waste of air time. Let me burst your bubble the two are two people after their own interests defending the hands that feed them because you are there to listen and TV wants rating right. Where are people like Ngugi Wa Thiong’o, Wahome Mutahi …that were ready to hit the nail on the head and did not bootlick. Nelson Mandela did not talk to please people, he did what he thought was right, Thomas Mboya did and said what he thought was right no matter which side he was on. We need those people back we can achieve this if we are living on our knees people who will fight for the common mwananchi,people who will sacrifice everything for the common Good, people ready to cross borders all for the good of humanity…how I wish I was born in the 50s!
We need to be colonized so that people may learn the importance of unity, patriotism and harmony. I remember breaking down at the clip of the independence day when I saw people jump up celebrating, hugging each other as the flag was raised and the British flag being brought down at that time Kenya was one…no tribe, no religion, no race it was all about us! I remember seeing and reading how people lived in camps …even our founding fathers in prison did not think of their tribe ,when forming movements, political parties our people cared less about their ethnicity they had one goal freedom! Freedom! FREEDOM! But now the rich man has made us believe our main problem is tribalism no! It is ignorance, fear, and poverty. Somalia has one tribe and they fight every day, right? Our country has two tribes… namely the rich and the poor! The rich do all they can to separate the poor because they know if the poor come together they are doomed!
Am not alone in this quest of getting to know why people have turned to being even the smartest have turned to be nothing more than empty suits…song sung by Nas and Damian Marley off the distant relatives album asks …I quote
“We growing wiser, are we just growing tall?
Can you read thoughts? can you read palms?
Huh, can you predict the future? can you see storms, coming?
The Earth was flat if you went too far you would fall off
Now the Earth is round
If the shape change again everybody woulda start laugh
The average man can’t prove of most of the things
That he chooses to speak of
And still won’t research and find out
The root of the truth that you seek of
Scholars teach in Universities and claim that they’re smart and cunning
Tell them find a cure when we sneeze
And that’s when their nose start running
And the rich get stitched up, when we get cut
Man a heal dem broken bones in the bush with the wet mud
Can you read signs? can you read stars?
Can you make peace? can you fight war?
Can you milk cows, even though you drive cars? huh
Can you survive? Against all odds, now?”
Our generation is losing, we are losing and we are punishing the coming generation we need to stand up and fight for culture, fight for the rot in society, fight for equality and social justice. Let’s seek knowledge for even God says ‘my people will perish for lack of knowledge!’ Let’s not stop questioning, let’s not stop asking why? Less we allow the feeding theory where corporations feed governments and politicians with crap the press take up and the general public takes it all in lump sum! The press has made us believe the bad news or news like “man beats wife for adding salt, man had sex with dog, woman beats husband are news but all that is just nonsense!” We want information because at the end information is power!
When we were colonized people had decolonized minds, but, when we were given freedom we colonized our minds! Were the Brits right that we were not ready to be free? Were they?
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By LordGichohi V’ce Nderitu
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